The Golden House or Palazzo Santa Sofia faces the Canal Grande, it was designed by Giovanni Bon and Bartolomeo Bon, completed in 1413, and is one of the city's oldest palaces. The name comes from when there were gold gilding details on the façade. The building changed hands several times over the years and when purchased by the final owner, Giorgio Franchetti, he began restoring, renovating and preserving the beautiful architecture. In particular he reconstructed the original Gothic stairway and an internal Cosmatesque courtyard. He also amassed a fine collection of art and on his death left the property to the state. Facing the water a recessed colonnaded loggia allows water vessels to approach the building, and access the portego de mezo directly from the water. The façade of the upper two levels has elegant arches and columns. The façade is very impressive, with intricate details, balcony consoles and polychrome marble incrustations.
Today the palace houses the Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca d'Oro. The highlight of the museum is Andrea Mantegna's painting of San Sebastiano which is a feature of the chapel altar. Other great works include the Doppio Ritratto by Tullio Lombardo; Gian Cristoforo Romano's Busto di Fanciullo and bas-reliefs by Jacopo Sansovino. There are also bronze reliefs by Andrea Riccio, the Venere allo Specchio by Tiziano, the Venere Dormiente by Paris Bordon, landscape paintings by Francesco Guardi, Van Eyck's Crsifissione and Van Dyck's Ritratto di Marcello Durazzo.
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