This is Venice's naval and maritime history museum, it covers 5 floors and includes two huge anchors, photos, models and artifacts. The Austrians began the collection in 1815 when they occupied the city. They started by archiving models of their ships and continued adding items from historic vessels. The museum has national importance as it documents not only the maritime history of Venice but of the whole of Italy. You can see maritime artillery like canons and cannon balls and torpedoes from WWII. Italy's greatest navel hero, Angelo Erno, who fought Algiers, is honored by having an entire room dedicated to him. Francesco Morosini, a 17th century Admiral is also given special attention. He is best remembered for driving the Turks out of the Peloponnese. The Battle of Lepanto (1571) is highlighted, it was in this battle that the Venetian navy prevailed over the Turkish fleet. Among the many ship models is the historic Bucintoro, the ceremonial barge used by the Doges of Venice during the Ascension Day ceremony. Other interesting sections of the museum are the Gondola and non-military sea faring vessels and a collection of beautiful sea shells.
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